miércoles, 11 de junio de 2008

Chinese Business Culture

Hoy hemos seleccionado en youtube algunos videos interesantes sobre cómo hacer negocios con China. En este caso, todos son en inglés y abarcan una amplia variedad de aspectos: desde una presentación sobre la economía china, pasando por cuestiones culturales importantes a considerar, hasta un pequeño sketch cómico. Esperamos disfruten la selección.

Today we have some videos for you about business with Chinese people.The first video is a presentation of China´s economy and the benefits and risks of making business with this country.(It is last 10 minutes. In English)

The next ones are about Chinese business culture. The first one teachs us how to greet someone

And this one shows us the patience that business in China requires

The next two ones are really important to understand the different ways of thinking that western and chinese business people have

and one example of the problems you can face because of the different rules of communication.

Finally, we can also get some fun talking about the cultural differences and it is also a good way to learn and have a good time.We hope you enjoy the next video of Russell Peters: "Business with Chinese"

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